
Girl Scouts can experience Camp in a variety of ways- day camp, sleep away camp, twilight camp; Service Unit Camp, Council Camp, Troop Camping; camping in tents, in cabins, under the stars; sleeping bags, bunk beds, troop rooms, massive lodges; luxury resort-style camp, roughin' it camp; camping with girls they know, going to camp all by many possibilities!

I look forward to being part of your child's outdoor education. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Current Camp Opportunities:
Girl Scouts of North East Texas 2012  Camp Guide.
Zoo and  Aquarium Overnighters
Service Unit Camp 2013: Feb 1-3 at Camp Bette Perot
Sometimes there are volunteer opportunities for parents- where each volunteer is compensated with free or discounted camp for his or her Girl Scout.