
Final Deposits to Council are due 3-21-12, meaning final money for personal cookie sales is due to the troop Monday 3-19-12. Please return all unsold cookies at that time so the troop can devise a plan to sell them. As long as the troop turns in it's full Council deposit, we have wiggle room on the excess cookies. However, your daughter will only receive cookie credits for the amount she is settled at when the final Council deposit is turned in.  I do not foresee us selling past March, as the warehouse closes March 17 and we will be unable to pick up more cookies. The girls have done an excellent job this Cookie Season!

Money Please turn in money on a regular basis- even if it is just a few dollars. Our troop is required to make scheduled deposits into the Council account and frequent deposits into our own Troop account. Our troop checked out cookies worth over $8,000 dollars- which our troop is accountable for. Please help keep things stress-free for your Leadership Volunteers. Thank you!

The troop makes about 60cents per box (plus donations), with the rest of the money going to Council for the bakery (to pay for the actual cookies) and to fund scholarships, run camps, etc. Our troop has checked out 2,520 boxes of cookies.

Booths Did you know about the Cookie Locator? It is also available as an app for smartphones!  Troop 4816's booth picks are available on our calendar. Please call Mandy to schedule your daughter. She must sign up (even if it's the day of)- she cannot just show up at a booth. Your Scout must always bring her vest and her jacket. By working booths, girls have fun and learn what it is like to run their own business- merchandising, advertising, stocking inventory, customer service, money handling, clocking in and out, and best of all- getting paid! The girls are paid in two ways- troop proceeds, which fund their activities, and Cookie Credits, which count towards their incentives! To determine your daughter's incentive level, add her Checked Out cookies  to her Booth Cookie Credits listed below.

Initial Check Out 100
Booth 2/24 20
Booth 3/7 26
Return 3/18 -36
Booth 3/18 20
current total: 130

Initial Check Out 600
Booth 2/24 20
Booth 2/26 23
Booth 3/5 42
Booth 3/7 26
Booth 3/8 42
Check Out 3/8 36
Booth 3/14 28 
Check Out 3/16 71
Booth 3/17 60
Booth 3/17 16
Check Out 3/17 36
current total: 1,000

Bailey P.
Initial Check Out 276
Booth 3/7 29
Check Out 3/18 24
Booth 3/18 20
current total: 349

Bailey R.
Initial Check Out 146
Booth 2/27 29
Booth 3/6 12
Booth 3/7 26
Check Out 3/18 12
current total: 225

Initial Check Out 90
Check Out 2/27 24
Booth 2/26 20
Booth 3/7 29
Booth 3/24 28
current total: 191 

Initial Check Out 326
Booth 2/27 29
Booth 3/6 25
Booth 3/7 29
Booth 3/8 42
current total: 451
P/U 49
= 500 

Initial Check Out 105
Booth 3/7 16
current total: 121
P/U 4
= 125
Return 23
Final total: 98

2,520 x 3.5 = $8,820 minimum cash in
2,520 x .60 = $1,512 + $100 bonus = $1,612 minimum troop funds- does not include donations or expenses to date.
$8,820 - $1,612 = $7,208 due to Council by Weds. March 21.

5 for 5 Cookie Lottery Customers that purchase 5 boxes at a booth are entered into a contest to win 5 cases of their favorite cookies! This offer is only available at booths. When we reach 20 entrants, our troop will be eligible for Girl Scout State Fair tickets.  
As of 3/21 we had 40 entrants.
Cookie Resources
Parents and Scouts- Visit
Parents- View the Cookie Time video.
Girls- Explore the Cookie Club website.
Family Guides were handed out at the Investiture Ceremony. 
Cookie Connection Badge Through cookie sales, Girl Scouts learn valuable life skills. The girls are currently working on the Cookie Connection Junior badge, found on page 8 of the old badge book. To learn more about the benefits of GS cookie sales, go here.
Change Your Facebook Profile Picture You can save these images to your computer and upload one as your photo during cookie season. You are not allowed to take payments on-line, but you can take orders from friends.